North Carolina
Pearl Initiative
NCPI: Working Together for Shared Values
NCPI is committed to ensuring the growth and sustainability of North Carolina Graduate and Undergraduate Chapters of Swing Phi Swing and Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowships. Also to initiate opportunities for service to the community.
At Our Roots
The organizations that form the base of the North Carolina Pearl Initiative
Swing Phi Swing
Swing Phi Swing Social Fellowship, Inc.® was founded at Winston-Salem State University on April 4, 1969.
Groove Phi Groove
Groove Phi Groove Social Fellowship, Inc. was founded at Morgan State College (now Morgan State University) on October 12, 1962.
NCPI Founder Raquel Rouse pays tribute to one of the busiest leaders in our organization, Mrs. Mildred Council. This video tribute was played at the NC Museum of History’s 2020 African American Cultural Celebration.
Unity in the Community
Supporting Sister Mildred Council at a job fair in Greenville, S.C.
Promoting literacy with Brother Donal Gooch, his daughter Caitlyn and her horse Man Man, with Saddle Up and Read. Authors Kelly Starling Lyons and Judy Dobson greet customers and friends at Quail Ridge Books.
Volunteer events: Serving Thanksgiving dinner to the homeless community; walkathon fundraiser; supporting teachers with Sister Tamika Walker Kelly, NCAE president.
Distributing produce, masks, socks and supplies in partnership with Fathers Forever. Boldly going where others won’t go!
Sharing resources and supplies between communities in Wake, Anson, Union, and Stanley counties by partnering with The Caraway Foundation. COVID home test kits and K95 masks.
NCPI issued a Baby Formula Challenge: Every time you visit a store, take a picture of the baby food aisle and post location. We helped families searching for formula during the crisis.
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